A. Umjanna (L Morgan)
B. Rakin' And Scrapin' (H.Mabern)
Lee Morgan (tp)
Bennie Maupin (ts/fl/b-cl)
Harold Mabern (p)
Jymie Merritt (ampeg-b)
Mickey Roker (ds)
"Both/And", San Francisco, June, 1970
(same credits as Live at the Light House, recorded few months later)
Maybe having a date with LeeMorgan isn't always so nice, and I can't resist to share this comic titled: "She Shot Lee Morgan", relating Morgan's tragic end, shot in 1972 at Slug's Club, on the east side of Manhattan.
"Elle a tiré sur Lee Morgan", extract from very good Total Jazz comics by Blutch.For information on Lee Morgan, thanks Masaya Matsumura: lee morgan discography