Cumbia made in France... Even not being from Colombia, Los Machucambos deliver in this 7" very good versions of the 2 cumbia classics composed by Jose Barros: "La Piragua" (the canoe) and "El Pescador" (the fisherman). This trio was formed in the late 50s, and was based in Paris. They had international succes with various southamerican influenced songs. The name "Machucambos" comes from an indian name for the small animal (armadillo/tatou) whose carapace is used to make the charango, traditionnal 2x5 strings guitar from Bolivia.
Los Machucambos - La Piragua:
Me contaron los abuelos que hace tiempo
navegaba en el Cesar una piragua
que partía del Banco viejo puerto
A las playas de amor en Chimichagua
Era la piragua de Guillermo Cubillos
Era la piragua, era la piragua (Bis)
Words come from an old story from Magdalena, native region of the composer. Guillermo Cubillos was a man who made a 12m length canoe called "La Piragua" to cross the river. The boat was so huge at this time (?) that it was a real center of attraction.
Los Machucambos - Allegre Pescador:
Va subiendo la corriente
Con chinchorros y atarrayas
La canoa de barenca
para llegar a la playa
La luna espera sonriente
Con su mágico esplendor
La llegada del valiente
Del alegre pescador
El pescador habla con la luna
El pescador habla con la playa
El pescador no tiene fortuna
Sólo su atarraya
Another boat story with this fisherman speaking with moon and beach, really unlucky, alone with his nets (it sounds better in spanish!)
Julia Cortes (Costa Rica)
Rafaêl Gayoso (Spain)
Romano Zanotti (Italy) (replaced Milton Zapata from Mexico)